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Student Database Management System

Parmesh119's github profile

In this project, I used c++ and OOPs concept and small DataBase to store the data of all students.

Developer Portfolio

lorenzomiscoli's github profile

Software developer portfolio to showcase your work and skills.


Sahilll15's github profile

Coupon_code is a sophisticated coupon code management system built with ReactJS, Django, Django Rest Framework, and SQLite. Users can add, update, and delete their coupons effortlessly using this efficient platform.


raghav1482's github profile

It is a reactjs based text managing app which provide various function to process upon a text , like text copy , remove extra spaces , convert ot binnary etc.

Pokemon Card

vivekrawat21's github profile

In this web app you can see the stats of different Pokemons like their abilities and their HP etc.

Find Your Job

pankajktech's github profile

Find Your Job is a Job Posting and Searching Website Made Using MERN Stack.

EuphoriaCheck - A Modern PERMA Meter

Aryainguz's github profile

A powerful tool to help you assess and improve your well-being! This web application, built using Express and Node.js, measures your happiness and life satisfaction based on the PERMA model of well-being. With personalized insights, users gain a comprehensive breakdown of their PERMA scores, identifying areas for personal growth and well-being enhancement.Users recieves a personalized note on email that helps them set their targets and improve on specific score so they keep on evolving Key Features: 📊 Happiness Assessment: 📈 Personalized Insights: 🎯 Goal Setting

Shopping Cart JS

WajeehaCodes's github profile

The javascript Shopping Cart project is a web application that allows users to browse and purchase products. It provides a seamless and interactive shopping experience by implementing a shopping cart functionality using javascript.

QR Code Generator

Shiva-Sai-ssb's github profile

Simple app to generate and download a QR code that can be used to share a link.

Temperature-converter app

mandliyarajendra11's github profile

temperature converter is used to convert temperature kelvin , Fahrenheit,Celsius